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What purposes or projects will Cook Medical consider funding?

Cook Medical will consider requests for funding or product donations that fit into one of the following classifications:

  • Charitable programs
    • Patient education and disease awareness
    • Medical care for underserved populations
    • Events where proceeds are intended for charitable purposes
  • Educational programs
    • Structured fellowship programs at educational institutions
    • Conference grants to educational institutions or professional societies for healthcare professionals-in-training
    • Third-party educational conferences
  • Bona fide independent investigator-initiated research with scientific merit
  • Professional medical society meetings

Cook Medical is interested in the following therapeutic and diagnostic areas:

  • Aortic Intervention
  • Critical Care
  • Endoscopy
  • Interventional Radiology
  • Lead Management
  • Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery
  • Peripheral Intervention
  • Reproductive Health
  • Surgery
  • Urology

Cook Medical is unable to make payments directly to a healthcare professional.

What is the difference between charitable donations, grants, sponsorships, and fee-for-service requests from nonprofit or nonreferral sources?

The industry developed a glossary as the standards for interacting with healthcare professionals became more specific and more established.

Charitable Donations: Funds may be requested for programs that have public benefits such as patient education, disease awareness, or medical care for underserved populations.

Grants (Educational and Research): Educational grants may be requested by institutions to fund structured fellowship programs or medical conference attendance for their own healthcare professionals-in-training. Educational grants may also be requested for educational programs such as hands-on workshops that are open to healthcare professionals who are not part of the requesting organisation. Bona fide, independent, investigator-initiated studies are one example of appropriate beneficiaries of a research grant. Research grants are reviewed by the Cook Medical Global Clinical Review Team to ensure that the proposed research has scientific merit.

Sponsorships: An example of such a request would be a medical professional society asking for funds for a conference or annual meeting.

Fee-for-Service: This type of funding involves Cook Medical paying fair market value for a service or item it receives in return. This funding includes things like exhibit or display space at meetings, memberships in medical societies, data, and journal subscriptions. These fee-for-service arrangements are outside the scope of the Cook Funding Review Board and should be handled by the appropriate department at Cook Medical.

Which application do I use?

Charitable Requests
For programs that benefit the public, such as patient education, medical care for underserved populations, or disease awareness, or events in which proceeds are intended for charitable purposes.

To request funding, use the Charitable Programs Application. This form is not for requesting funding for healthcare professional education.

To request products, use the Cook Medical Product Donations for Charitable Programs Application.

To request funding to support fellowship programs at established educational institutions, use the Fellowships Program Application. The request must come from the educational institution that is running the fellowship program, not from the attending fellow.

Conference Grants
To request a grant to pay for conference attendance, use the Conference Grants for HCPs-in-Training Application. The request must come from the educational institution or professional society that is responsible for the selection of the healthcare professional(s)-in-training who would receive the grant, not from the individual seeking such a grant.

Third-Party Educational Grants
To request grants for third-party educational conferences, seminars, or professional society meetings, use the Third-Party Educational Conferences Application. Cook Medical is not permitted to sponsor educational conferences or programs that are organised by a healthcare institution that restricts attendance to its own healthcare professionals who are not in training. For example, sponsorship of grand rounds is not permitted. Grants cannot be used to pay for exhibit fees alone or other fee-for-service arrangements.

Research Grants
To request funding, product donations, and/or services for investigator-initiated (not Cook Medical-initiated) research that has scientific merit and advances medical or scientific knowledge, public education, or patient care and safety, use the Research Grant Application.

Product Donations for Training
To request grants for Cook Medical products to be used at third-party educational conferences, workshops, or programs for healthcare professionals when the program content is not controlled by Cook Medical, use the Cook Medical Product Donations for Third-Party Educational Application.

How long does the review process take?

Give us as much time as possible to consider your request. It takes a full 120 days after a complete application is received for the funding review process to determine whether or not the request will be granted. Additional time is needed to process the request through legal, finance, and to order product, if necessary.

Who do I contact with questions?

Contact your Cook Regional Funding Administrator

Julia Steinauer
Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA)
Phone: +353 87 737 5595
E-mail Address: »

Teresa Collins
North and South America (Americas)
Phone: 800.468.1379 ext:102034
E-mail Address: »

Jenni Ling
Asia-Pacific (APAC)
Phone: +61 7 3434 6051
E-mail Address: »

Will Cook Medical provide funding for past events?

No, we cannot provide funding for events that have already occurred.

Can I just ask my Cook Medical representative for funding?

You need to contact your Cook Regional Funding Administrator to apply for funding. Cook Medical does not buy business, nor does Cook Medical want to create even the appearance of impropriety. All funding decisions are separate from the sales and marketing functions and are made by an independent panel known as the Cook Funding Review Board. This is why, in an effort to separate sales from our funding process, all Cook Medical sales representatives and marketing staff are removed from the final decision.

Cook Medical does not provide funding to individual physicians or group practices.

What happens if I do not have all of the required documentation?

The Funding Administrator will ask the contact person listed on the application for the missing documentation/information. The documentation we require is based on applicable law, and the application will be closed if the contact person is non-responsive to our request.

How do I submit my application?

Find the application appropriate to your request. Download the PDF form. Complete all required information and click the ‘submit’ button for your region at the bottom of the form.

What is the process once the application has been submitted?

  • The Regional Cook Funding Review Board (CFRB) Administrator (Administrator) reviews the application for completeness and responds to the requestor if the application is not complete and cannot be reviewed.
  • When the application is complete, the Administrator enters the request into our funding database beginning the review period. It is our goal to have an answer to a requestor within 120 days of receipt of the complete application to allow the requestor to seek funds elsewhere should that be necessary.
  • Once the request is logged for tracking and transparency, the Administrator then obtains guidance from within the company as necessary.
  • As part of Cook’s preapproval due diligence process, persons, and entities affiliated with applications to Cook’s Charitable Donations & Grants program are screened against publicly available governmental sanctions, debarments, and restrictions lists to help ensure compliance with external applicable standards. For more information, please see Cook’s data privacy statement at
  • Research requests must be reviewed for scientific merit by Cook’s Global Clinical Review Team at their next scheduled meeting.
    The application is then sent to the CFRB, which is made up of non-sales and marketing employees, to evaluate and make a final decision.
  • The Administrator will notify the requestor of the decision.

If I am a practicing physician, can I apply through the Cook Funding Review Board for my attendance at an educational meeting or conference?

Requests from educational institutions or professional societies can be considered through the Cook Funding Review Board for healthcare professional that are in-training only.

Why is there a controversy over 'restricted' and 'unrestricted' grants?

The controversy is a matter of semantics. When grant requestors use the term ‘unrestricted’, they typically mean that the industry will have no control over how the grant funds are used. From the industry perspective, any grants awarded must be ‘restricted’ to the use designated by the requestor. Those two positions are opposite sides of the same coin. In the Cook Medical program, the requestor designates a use and that is the only use that is reviewed and approved for funding.

Cook is required to review specific requests against industry standards when awarding grants to recipients. The recipients of the grants are then required to use the funds for the purpose that was stated in their application, supported with their provided documentation, and reviewed and approved by the Cook Funding Review Board. Recipients cannot deviate from that approved use. In other words, there can be no ‘unrestricted’ open funds available for any random use.

In addition, legal requirements exist in certain regions that also make it essential for the industry donor to make known specifically how the funds will be used (e.g., the U.S. Open Payments law and the French Sunshine Act, among others).

Can we request one grant for educational purposes (to be determined later) for the upcoming academic year and avoid submitting multiple applications throughout the year?

For the same reasons that we cannot fund unrestricted grants (see answer above). The request must be for a specific purpose described at the time of application.

How do I check the status of my funding request?

The only Cook Medical employee who can help you with your funding application and provide any updates is your Cook Regional Funding Administrator. Other Cook Medical employees are not allowed to be involved with the funding process. Please ensure that you only contact your Cook Regional Funding Administrator with queries.

Contact your Regional Funding Administrator

Julia Steinauer
Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA)
Phone: +353 87 737 5595
E-mail Address: »

Teresa Collins
North and South America (Americas)
Phone: 800-468-1379 ext:102034
E-mail Address: »

Jenni Ling
Asia-Pacific (APAC)
Phone: +61 7 3434 6051
E-mail Address: »

Why does requests for product donations or funding have to be approved by an independent panel within Cook?

For the following reasons:

  1. To allow the Cook Funding Review Board (CFRB) to use objective criteria and Cook policies to determine the appropriateness of the request
  2. The team’s review ensures transparency in the relationships between Cook, continuing medical education providers, and healthcare professionals
  3. The review allows Cook Medical to track donations in order to fulfill our disclosure requirements from various government entities

What happens if our event is cancelled, the research project is terminated, the fellow cannot attend the training, or the funding cannot be used for the approved purpose?

If your funding cannot be used for the approved purpose for any reason, it is essential that you contact your Cook Regional Funding Administrator for instructions. This will ensure transparency.