The fluid-filled sac that holds a fetus in the womb.
The intentional rupture of the amniotic sac by a doctor or midwife. It is also known as ‘breaking the water’ or ‘artificial rupture of membrane.’
A scoring system, with numbers ranging from 0–13, given to rate the condition or level of the ripening of the cervix.
The cervix is located at the bottom end of the uterus. It allows blood from a menstrual period and a fetus to pass through the uterus.
A pessary is a device roughly the size of a tampon. A pessary delivers medicine to prepare the cervix for labour. Once a pessary is inserted into the vagina, it can remain there for 24 hours, slowly releasing the medicine.
These occur during the final trimester of pregnancy and begin at the top of the uterus and spread down to the cervix.
Updated on March 22, 2023
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