Limerick, Ireland — Cook Medical created a custom-made device that was used in the world’s first Frozen Elephant Trunk (FET) aortic procedure that used a company–manufactured fenestrated graft. This groundbreaking procedure demonstrates Cook’s continued commitment to underserved patient populations. As Cook continues to change, we will keep innovating products as well as surgical techniques to better treat patients.

Dr. François Dagenais, a cardiothoracic surgeon based in Quebec City, Canada, who performed the innovative procedure using a Cook custom-made aortic device
Earlier this year, Dr. François Dagenais, a cardiothoracic surgeon based in Quebec City, Canada, approached Cook Medical. One of his patients had severe complex aortic arch disease. He explained that he needed to perform a Frozen Elephant Trunk (FET) procedure on the patient, but he wondered if it could be done with some innovative and different techniques. He asked if Cook could extend to the descending thoracic aorta and include a unique fenestration for the left subclavian artery (LSA).
An FET procedure is a hybrid technique that combines surgically replacing the aortic arch while simultaneously stenting the descending thoracic aorta. Patients requiring FET procedures often have complex aortic arch disease. One of the significant benefits of using an FET procedure is that it enables the physician to complete the aortic repair in a single operation instead of multiple operations.
Although FET procedures have been performed before, one had had never been performed with a custom-made device that had a fenestration. Adding a fenestration in the aortic graft removed the need for surgical intervention for the LSA vessel, allowing for a smooth endovascular LSA stenting and a streamlined, more minimally invasive procedure.
“We performed the world’s first procedure using a fenestrated Frozen Elephant Trunk device. This unique case was designed through Cook Medical’s custom-made device program. During FET procedures, the LSA can be challenging to access surgically. Using an endovascular technique to revascularize the LSA through a pre-designed fenestration within the FET graft facilitates the procedure, decreases operative time and minimizes the complication rate of the FET procedure. The development of this unique FET device is an example of collaboration between clinicians and the expertise of Cook Medical in fenestrated graft technology. Many thanks to Cook Medical for your support; one more step forward in our journey of innovation for the best interest of patient care,” said Dr. Dagenais.
“As Cook Medical continue innovating in the aortic space, our custom-made devices are an area in which we are prioritizing resources” said Johnny LeBlanc, director of Cook’s aortic product management team. “We are committed to collaborating with physicians to address the unmet needs of their patients.”
This case represented a collaborative and innovative partnership between Dr. Dagenais and Cook’s product and engineering teams, which showcased their skills and expertise in custom-made devices. While working with Dr. Dagenais on the custom-made device for the FET procedure, the product and engineering teams used prototypes and 3D anatomical models to evaluate how the device would deploy. This provided an opportunity for fast device improvements which led to the final device specifications.
For decades, Cook Medical have been a leader in custom-made aortic grafts. Clinical specialists, product managers, engineers, and the planning team collaborate directly with physicians to tailor each device to the needs of the patient. For many of the patients who receive custom-made devices, traditional surgical methods are not an option due to the diseased anatomy. Innovative solutions for complex anatomies offer hope for patients who otherwise would have no other treatment options available.
To stay updated on Cook Medical’s latest aortic news, visit
Dr. Dagenais is a paid consultant of Cook Medical.
About Cook Medical
Since 1963, Cook Medical has worked closely with physicians to develop technologies that eliminate the need for open surgery. Today we invent, manufacture, and deliver a unique portfolio of medical devices to the healthcare systems of the world. Serving patients is a privilege and we demand the highest standards of quality ethics, and service. We have remained family owned so that we have the freedom to focus on what we care about: our patients, our employees, and our communities.
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